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CATSAPP stands for Community Aid Time Share Application Platform Pay, An online barter system for ethnic minorities towards a circular economy.

Hong Kong is considered as Asia's World City. There is a significant non-Chinese minority community in Hong Kong, collectively known as Ethnic Minority. 

The Ethnic Minorities (EM) community proportion within Hong Kong (HK) has been steadily increasing, while we also saw an increase in the poverty rates of EM in HK, especially among South Asians. Rising unemployment rates and persisting inequality has led to an increasing hurdle to the progress of the already disadvantaged EM. 

CATSAPP is an EM-led time banking platform aimed at empowering the EM community and breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty and aimed at the uplifting of EM through leadership training, financial literacy and design thinking. 


Our Mission is

- To provide the HK community with a time banking platform to improve Co-Production, Core-economics i.e. the economy of Kith and Kin, Neighbours, etc., encourage volunteerism and cross-sector collaboration between NGOs, Local EM SMEs and EM Public. 



CATSAPP stands for Community Aid Time Share Application Platform Pay, An online barter system for ethnic minorities towards a circular economy. Hong Kong is considered as Asia's World City. There is a significant non-Chinese minority community in Hong Kong, collectively known as Ethnic Minority.  The Ethnic Minorities (EM) community proportion within Hong Kong (HK) has been steadily increasing, while we also saw an increase in the poverty rates of EM in HK, especially among South Asians....

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